Inventory Check In

Inventory Check-In service consists of our inventory clerk accompanying the tenant to go over the property highlighting the conditions added to the Inventory report.

They do this prior to the tenant taking occupancy of the property. Here, the inventory clerk and the tenant, or the tenant’s representative, agrees upon the condition and standard of the property, as well as its contents.

The signature of both parties is acquired to acknowledge the condition of the property. All discrepancies found in the Inventory Report are added to the actual Check-In Report.

If necessary, the Inventory Report will be amended and then the comprehensive Check-In Report is created. Once the Check-In Report is finished, it is given to the agent or landlord, and tenant and it becomes part of the pack of legal documents.

Also included in this report are the actual number of keys that are issued, location of utilities, and meter readings. Again, our client, as well as his or her tenant, is given copies of this report.

The purpose of the Inventory Check-In procedure is to verify that the condition and standard of the property and its contents have been agreed upon with the tenant or legal representative before the let is commenced. It aims at reducing the possibility of a dispute when the tenancy ends.

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