Landlord Inventory Check FAQ

What is a landlord inventory report?

A landlord inventory report is a document that lists all of the items in a rental property and their condition. This report helps the landlord and tenant keep track of what is in the property at the beginning and end of a tenancy.

All our inventory reports are timestamped and photographic. View our sample report here: Sample Inventory Report


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How much does a landlord inventory report cost in the UK?

The cost of a landlord inventory report varies, but it can range from around £75 to £250 or more, depending on the size of the property and the level of detail required.

Here is a table of full list of our property inventory prices which is divided by furnished and unfurnished property: Landlord Inventory Cost

Who pays for the inventory report, landlord or tenant?

In the UK, the landlord pays for the inventory report. According to the UK tenancy law, tenants are not required to pay for the inventory check in or check out fees.

Is a landlord inventory report mandatory in the UK?

There is no legal requirement for a landlord to have an inventory report, but it is recommended to have one to avoid disputes between landlord and tenant.

What is included in a landlord inventory report?

A landlord inventory report typically includes a detailed list of all the items in the rental property, along with their condition and any damage or wear and tear.

We, at Daley Property Inventory Services, attached timestamped photographs with all our inventory and check out reports.


daley property inventory company

How long does a landlord inventory report last?

The landlord inventory report lasts as long as the tenancy agreement lasts, usually for the duration of the tenancy.

Can a landlord do their own inventory report?

Yes, a landlord can do their own inventory report. However, it is recommended to use a professional inventory company to ensure accuracy and avoid disputes. Most inventory report created by landlords – often go in the favour of tenants as it can be precived slightly biased during a dispute.

How do I dispute a landlord inventory report?

If you have a dispute with a landlord inventory report, you can try to resolve the issue directly with the landlord or seek legal advice.

How often should a landlord do an inventory report?

A landlord should do an inventory report at the beginning and end of each tenancy agreement.


daley property inventory company

What is the purpose of a landlord inventory report?

The purpose of a landlord inventory report is to document the condition of the rental property and its contents at the beginning and end of a tenancy agreement, to avoid disputes and misunderstandings between landlord and tenant.


Are landlord inventory reports legally binding?

Landlord inventory reports are not legally binding, but they can be used as evidence in a court of law if there is a dispute between landlord and tenant.


How long does it take to do a landlord inventory report?

The time it takes to do a landlord inventory report depends on the size of the property and the level of detail required, but it can take a few hours to a full day.


What happens if there is no inventory report?

If there is no inventory report, it may be difficult to prove the condition of the rental property and its contents at the beginning and end of a tenancy agreement, which could lead to disputes between landlord and tenant.


How do I prepare for a landlord inventory report?

To prepare for a landlord inventory report, you should make sure that the rental property is clean and tidy, and that all items are in good condition.


What happens if there is a dispute with a landlord inventory report?

If there is a dispute with a landlord inventory report, you can try to resolve the issue directly with the landlord or seek legal advice.


daley property inventory company


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