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Master the Check Out Inventory: The Ultimate 10-Step Guide

by | Jul 13, 2023 | Check In Inventory London, Check Out Inventory, Inventory Check London, Inventory Check Out, Inventory Company, Property Inventory | 0 comments

Master the Check Out Inventory: The Ultimate 10-Step Guide

The moment you’ve been both anticipating and dreading has finally arrived: the inventory check out. This pivotal point in the tenancy lifecycle can make or break the landlord-tenant relationship and set the tone for the final settlement. Fear not, for we have the ultimate 10-step guide to help you navigate through this process like a seasoned pro.




Step 1: Understand What an Inventory Check Out Is

To begin, let’s clear up what an inventory check out is. At its core, an inventory check out is a detailed assessment of a rental property’s condition when a tenant moves out. It accounts for everything from the overall cleanliness to the functioning of appliances and potential damage. It’s not a procedure to be taken lightly as it plays a significant role in deciding how much of the tenant’s deposit gets refunded.

Did you know? A meticulous inventory check can save landlords from potential disputes and hefty repair costs. It’s your opportunity to make sure everything is in order before the tenant leaves.

Step 2: Refer to the Inventory Check In Report

The inventory check in report serves as your point of reference. It provides the baseline against which the property’s condition at check out will be compared. Ace Property Inventory Services offers comprehensive inventory check in services, capturing the condition of your property in detail with date-stamped photographs, which will prove invaluable at the time of check out.

Step 3: Use a Landlord Inventory Template

Having a structured landlord inventory template can streamline the process. It ensures you don’t miss any crucial aspects of the property while making the process manageable and efficient. At Ace Property Inventory Services, we can assist you in preparing a thorough landlord inventory.

Step 4: Hire a Professional Inventory Clerk

While you can perform the inventory check yourself, we strongly recommend hiring a professional property inventory clerk. These experienced professionals understand the ins and outs of property inventory and are skilled at spotting issues that an untrained eye might overlook. Hiring an inventory clerk not only brings expertise to the process but also lends credibility to the check out report, reducing the likelihood of disputes.

Step 5: Schedule the Inventory Check Out

Remember to schedule the inventory check out well in advance. Tenants should have ample time to prepare the property, and you should ensure your inventory clerks are available on the scheduled date. It’s best to conduct the inventory check when the property is vacant and all personal belongings have been removed. This allows for an unhindered and thorough inspection of the property. If you need to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to contact us at Ace Property Inventory Services on 02080162986.

Stay tuned for the next five steps, which will cover the rest of the check out process, including property walkthrough, damage assessment, and deposit settlement. These steps will arm you with the knowledge to handle your check out inventory smoothly and efficiently.

Step 6: Conduct a Thorough Property Walkthrough

During the inventory check out, conduct a comprehensive walkthrough of the property. Using your inventory check in report as a reference, assess every item and area listed. Start from one end of the property and methodically work your way to the other, making sure not to miss any rooms or spaces. Remember to inspect both the interior and exterior of the property. Every nook and cranny counts!



Step 7: Assess Damage and Wear and Tear

This step involves determining what constitutes acceptable wear and tear versus what is considered damage. As a rule of thumb, wear and tear are minor issues that naturally occur over time due to use, such as slight fading of paint or light scratches on a wooden floor. On the other hand, damage refers to significant problems that impact the functionality or aesthetics of the property, like a broken window or large stains on the carpet.

Understanding the distinction between wear and tear and damage is crucial in conducting a fair check out inventory. Our post on understanding fair wear and tear in rental properties offers valuable insights into this critical aspect of property management.

Note: When assessing damage, always refer back to the initial inventory report and any subsequent inspections carried out during the tenancy. This will help determine whether the issue was pre-existing or caused during the tenant’s occupancy.

Step 8: Document Everything

The golden rule of an inventory check out is to document everything. Capture high-resolution photos or videos of the property, making sure to clearly depict any damage or issues. Be meticulous in recording details in your inventory report. Not only does this serve as proof of the property’s condition at check out, but it also forms a vital part of the evidence should any disputes arise later on.

Step 9: Review and Discuss the Findings with the Tenant

Once the check out inventory is complete, review and discuss the findings with the tenant. Transparency is key here. It’s important to communicate openly about any issues identified, providing the tenant with the opportunity to explain or provide their perspective. This open dialogue can help prevent disputes and ensure a smoother resolution process.

At Ace Property Inventory Services, we pride ourselves on our landlord inventory services, offering impartial and thorough assessments for both landlords and tenants. We believe in fostering clear communication and transparency throughout the check out process.

The final step in this process involves settling the deposit based on the findings of the check out inventory. Stay tuned as we guide you through the nuances of deposit settlement in the final section of this guide.

Step 10: Settle the Deposit

The last step in this ultimate guide involves settling the tenant’s deposit. After the check out inventory has been completed, and any damage beyond wear and tear has been identified, the cost of repairs or replacements must be determined. These costs are typically deducted from the tenant’s deposit.

Note: Ensure that all deductions are fair and justifiable, adhering to the tenancy agreement and the tenancy deposit protection (TDP) scheme’s guidelines. If you’re unsure about the process, refer to our detailed guide on exploring the tenants’ deposit scheme rights and obligations.

Remember, it’s crucial to provide a detailed explanation and breakdown of the costs to the tenant. This step is important to maintain transparency and avoid potential disputes. For more guidance on this, check out our comprehensive guide on managing and documenting rental property damage.



If the tenant disagrees with the deductions, they have the right to raise a dispute with the relevant TDP scheme. Should you find yourself in such a situation, our resolving landlord and tenant disputes guide provides actionable advice on navigating through such challenges.


Mastering the check out inventory process is essential for property management. With this 10-step guide, you’re now equipped to handle this task effectively and efficiently. Remember, inventory check outs are more than just ticking off a checklist; they’re about maintaining the value of your property, ensuring fairness to your tenants, and preventing potential disputes.

For more guidance on property inventory and related services, contact us at Ace Property Inventory Services. Our dedicated team of property inventory clerks provides top-notch inventory services to make your property management tasks stress-free.

Remember, a successful check out inventory is one that leaves both parties – the landlord and the tenant – feeling respected and satisfied. Happy managing!

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